Special Education Right Now: Building Smart IEP’s™

I partner with families and schools in creating 504 plans and IEPs with appropriate specially designed instruction for your child.
Clarrisa Rabon, Special Education Advocate
Clarrisa Rabon, Special Education Advocate
Clarrisa Rabon, Special Education Advocate
Records Review
Review the last 3 years of records and email a detailed synopsis and my recommendations for you to discuss with the school in the next steps of your advocacy for your child.

30 minute consultation

IEP/504 Prep
Review the last IEP/504 plan and any recent evaluations since its implementation and prep you for your next meeting. I will not attend meetings. 

30 minute consultation

Full Advocacy
Free 30 minute consultation

3 year full records review

Communication with the school on your behalf

Parent preparation for IEP/ARD meetings

Advocate attendance to IEP/ARD meetings

Letter writing for evaluation requests & concerns regarding educational products

Provide local and national resources to aid you in helping your child

I provide training to local and national organizations, parent groups, church groups via webinar

Provide local and national resources for dissemination to your groups

Hello! My name is Clarrisa Rabon
I am a Special Education Advocate, Mom, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, and actively licensed Registered Nurse.
Welcome to Zany Brains Special Education Right Now. I am excited to partner with you in helping your child have a successful educational journey. Zany Brains Special Education Right Now aims to provide relevant, accurate information as it relates to IDEA and section 504, guidance and advocacy so you can make the best decisions for your child's education. We serve all persons with disabilities ranging in age from 3 to 22 years and those who support them.

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